My husband posted on Facebook the other day that I was ‘sniffing the school books’. LOL! I didn’t comment, but, yes, it was true! Our new (and used) school books have been arriving gradually over the last few weeks. I’ve been finalizing curriculum choices, pouring over the books we’ve received, creating corresponding materials as needed, and hammering out tentative yearly schedules.
More importantly, I’ve been praying about our upcoming school year as our children enter 6th, 4th, 2nd, Kindergarten, and preschool. In all honesty, I am nervous as we start this school year. We recently moved to another state with different homeschool regulations. Most of our belongings are still in storage (including some school items I was hoping to use this year). Our family is living in an apartment, and we are anticipating one more move later this fall to a neighboring state. I am trying to release my fears and expectations to the One who is completely in control. Please pray that He would calm my anxious heart. It is only through His strength that I can love my family and nurture them in the areas God wants them to develop this year.
So, amidst the frenzy of organizing and preparing, I hold my plans a little more loosely this year, predicting that God will once again be growing me in the area of flexibility. With prayer, eyes to my Savior, and perhaps some dark chocolate in hand, we venture into another year of learning…
Subjects our oldest three can do together!
History / Geography
For history this year, we plan to use Mystery of History: Creation to Resurrection! We have the CD audio and the challenge cards. I decided to forgo the notebooking sheets, but I did schedule additional historical read alouds and readers to correspond with the spine as well as portions of Evan Moor’s History Pockets (Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, and Ancient Rome).
History Read Alouds (above) and Readers (below)
We are also looking forward to delving into learning about current events through on grade level reading and discussion of God’s World News.
Our new home state is filled with trees and has more birds and insects than I ever remember seeing in our former state. So, what a perfect time to use Apologia’s Zoology 1: Flying Creatures of the Fifth Day (with the coordinating notebook)! We will also be beginning bird watchers with our field guides in hand! Additionally, we plan to incorporate some fun reading with The Burgess Bird Book and use our Companion Notebook to draw and write about the birds.
Bible and Devotions
- Our choice for devotionals this year are related to our history text/time periods – Jashub’s Journal and The Ten Commandments.
- For apologetics, we plan to use Apologia’s Who Is God?
Additional Read Alouds
YWAM missionary stories of our choice (We LOVE these!)
Grade Specific Reading / Language Arts /Math
our 6th grader…
- Literature- Memoria Press (Anne of Green Gables, Treasure Island, The Bronze Bow, The Hobbit)
- Reading – related history reading and free choice reading
- Joyful Heart Spelling Skills and heading into the study of prefixes, suffixes, and Greek/Latin roots
- Writing and Grammar: BJU English and Writing 6
- Scripture Memorization – Ephesians
- Horizons Math (completing 5 and part 1 of 6th)
- Xtra Math
- AWANA – 4th year T&T and being a Leader in Training with the preschool Gopher Buddies class
- Violin
our 4th grader…
- Literature- Memoria Press (Heidi; The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe; Lassie Come Home)
- Reading – related history reading, Abeka readers, free choice reading
- Joyful Heart Spelling Skills and then Rod and Staff (5th grade)
- Writing and Grammar: BJU English and Writing 4
- Scripture Memorization and Cursive Handwriting – Exodus 20:1-17 (10 Commandments)
- Horizons Math 4
- Xtra Math
- AWANA – 2nd year T&T
- Violin
our 2nd grader…
- Reading- ABeka readers(3rd/4th), related history reading, as well as free choice reading on his own
- Phonics – Explode the Code (completing books 7-8)
- Joyful Heart Spelling Skills
- Writing and Grammar: BJU English and Writing 2
- Horizons Math 2 (continuation from last year) and moving into 3
- Xtra Math
- Scripture Memorization and Manuscript Handwriting – Exodus 20:1-17 (10 Commandments)
- Handwriting – beginning cursive second semester
- AWANA – 3rd year Sparks
our Kindergartener…
- Reading – ABeka readers (k/1), MFW Bible Reader + notebook
- Phonics – Explode the Code 1/2, MFW Phonics WB
- Scripture Based Handwriting, Sight Words, and Copywork (to correspond with her Exodus memory work)
- Horizons Math K/1
- Science – The World God Made, Our Father’s World, Cut and Paste Science (grades 1-3), Science Learning Journal
- Social Studies – theme/unit studies
- Scripture Memorization (Exodus 20:1-17)
- AWANA – 1st year Sparks
- Questions With Answers Vol 1: God and Creation from Songs for Saplings (to listen to at ‘rest’ time)
- Pianimals piano practice (with her big sister overseeing her ;-) )
our 3 year old preschooler…
- Preschool 2 mornings a week
- Gopher Buddies Bible Club
- lots of play!
Would you like to see our previous year’s curriculum choices?
2012-2013 (5th, 3rd, 1st, PreK, 2 year old)
2011-2012 (4th, 2nd, K, 3’s preschool, toddler)
2010-2011 (3rd, 1st, PreK, 2 year old, 4 mo old baby)
2009-2010 (2nd, K, 3’s preschool, toddler, baby arrived end of year)
2008-2009 (1st, PreK, 2 year old, 6 mo old baby)
2007-2008 (K, 3’s preschool, toddler, baby arrived mid year)
2006-2007 (PreK, 2 year old, 7 mo old baby) – Joyful Heart Character
2005-2006 (3’s preschool, toddler, baby arrived mid year) – Joyful Heart Bible and Rhyme
2004-2005 (2 year old, 6 mo old baby) – Joyful Heart Learning
Need a boost of confidence to get started? Come get a glimpse of my journey…
Homeschooling ~ Embarking on a Journey
This post is part of the 5th annual “Not” Back-To-School Blog Hop over at the iHomeschool Network. This week, homeschoolers near and far are sharing their curriculum choices for this coming school year!

I just wanted to drop by and say ‘Thank You’. I have used some of your resources every year of our homeschooling adventures. We are using the Character Tune/Traits this year and we love them. You are a blessing! I will be praying for the peace that passes all understanding for you during this transition time/year.
Thank you! I appreciate your prayers.