Don’t Underestimate Being Overtired

I saw this slogan twice this week and it really grabbed my attention.  I saw it once on a billboard and once on the back of a magazine.  It is a slogan put out by a local hospital, designed for connecting you with an online tool for assessing your risk for heart disease, stroke, etc – a basic heart check.

As a homeschooling mom to four little ones, three of whom have birthdays in December and January, I think (no, I know) I’m feeling overtired.  I have my proof.  Over the course of the last three weeks, I have been forgetting the simplest of things, have felt pains in my chest  and dizziness (Yes, I went to the doctor and they say that I am fine.  I also took the online heart assessment and I am not at risk.), am just getting over a cold that wiped me out for two days, can’t seem to focus on tasks at hand, and have a sense of being overwhelmed.  I am the type of person that presses on until a job is complete, that continues to work on something that I think must be done -even if it means I get less sleep.  This is fine, if done from time to time and not repeatedly.   I think the last couple months with Thanksgiving, Christmas, birthday parties, and just the day to day grind has worn me down.  My ability to make simple decisions, my productivity level, and my interactions with my family are being adversely affected by my lack of sleep.

I am posting this for accountability.  I need physical rest and spiritual rest.  Yes, my list of things I want to accomplish are a mile long, my day to day list of items that have to get done are never ending, and my children’s requests for time and activity are beckoning.  I feel like I need a week long vacation, just me, alone, to catch up on some of the tasks at hand – putting all else on hold.  However, seeing as that is impossible, I am going to attempt to try something else.  For the next week, I am going to strive to be in bed and going to sleep 2-3 hours earlier than I have been.  If that means I don’t go to my monthly girls night out, so be it.  If that means the dishes are left in the sink until morning, okay.  If that means putting our kids to bed earlier so I can get school ready for them for the next day, done.  This is going to be a challenge for me- a change in my mindset over priorities.  This is designed for my physical rest.

For my spiritual rest, I desire to get up at a set time each morning this week to sit at my Savior’s feet.  I want to read, pray, worship, and listen – without my littlest one sitting on my lap, reaching over to pat the Bible (as sweet as that may be =).  I have  been so busy serving and being a Martha that I have forgotten how to be a prayerful, worshipful Mary.  Oh, how quickly we succumb to our old ways.

Jesus says, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”

This is my week for a true heart check.

And the name is…

Our two oldest girls are involved in the Book It program this year for the first time.  They kept their sticker charts up to date the first month, placing one sticker on the chart for each book read.  They were motivated and excited to get a pizza prize at the end of the month once they read their required number of books.  Well, I went to fill out their certificates and on the back of each one it said to write in the child’s name, homeschool educator’s name, and the name of the homeschool.  Name of the homeschool?

Well, let me just say, we tried to come up with something quickly since the girls were waiting for their pizza prize, but it actually took us a week before we thought of the right name.  And the name is… Joyful Heart Academy!  The name, truly, should not have been that difficult to come up with.  I already had developed early childhood/preschool curriculum as my oldest child reached each stage.  The curriculum is also aptly named – Joyful Heart Learning (for 2’s), Joyful Heart Bible and Rhyme (for 3’s), and Joyful Heart Character (for 4’s).

Why ‘Joyful Heart’?  No, the name wasn’t chosen because our home is so full of joy each day (although it should be) =)  However, we do desire our children to know Christ and His Truth, to cherish His Word, to be salt and light in this generation, and to have their hope and anchor firmly planted in Christ.  The joy comes in knowing the Lord and following His commands.  Here are just two of many verses that reflect this in Scripture…

Psalm 19:7-8
The law of the LORD is perfect, reviving the soul.
The statutes of the LORD are trustworthy,  making wise the simple.
The precepts of the LORD are right, giving joy to the heart.
The commands of the LORD are radiant, giving light to the eyes.

Psalm 16:11
You have made known to me the path of life.
You will fill me with joy in Your presence,
with eternal pleasures at Your right hand.

Here are also a few Scripture based prayers for our children, no matter where they are schooled…

Colossians 1:9b-14
…we have not stopped praying for you and asking God to fill you with the knowledge of His will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding. And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please Him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power according to His glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and joyfully giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light. For He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son He loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.

Romans 12:12
Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.

Philippians 1:9-11
And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—to the glory and praise of God.

Through the Eyes of My Kids

Over at the Heart of the Matter, last week’s meme was to ask your kids what they like and dislike about homeschooling.  I thought this might be fun to do (and I was a tad curious), so I asked my 6 1/2 year old, almost 5 year old, and my just turned 3 year old about their likes and dislikes.  Here are their responses – homeschooling through their eyes…

6 1/2 year old  (first grade)
LIKES:  “being with my mama, science experiments, and the Living Long Ago book” (The ‘mama’ part melted my heart.)
DISLIKES: “my math workbook – I like BJU better.”

almost 5 year old  (Pre K)
LIKES: “experiments and my math workbook!”  (She hasn’t even started her workbook yet =)  We just recently ordered it and she is anxious to begin.)
DISLIKES:  “calendar, because it is long”

our just turned 3 year old
LIKES:  “playing with trains… uh, there’s more about it… and doing a puzzle  (pause) playing with something in my bin… uh, there’s more… looking at that (points to the globe and I ask him what ‘that’ is) the world… (long pause as he looks up)  I like do everything!” 
DISLIKES:  He seemed to have a lot to say about his likes, so then I asked him, “What don’t you like to do?”  And, if you know him at all, his matter of fact response fits him well… “food I don’t try.”

our 11 month old
LIKES:  If she could, I think she might say that she most enjoys interacting with all her older siblings =)
DISLIKES:  The kids thought she might say that she doesn’t like taking a morning nap while everyone else is doing school.  =)

science Likes

It Sounds Like Christmas

What we are listening to…

I absolutely love this Christmas CD! From the traditional Christmas songs of ‘Come All Ye Faithful’ and ‘Joy to the World’ to the contemplative ‘While You Were Sleeping’ and the praise song of ‘Christmas Offering’, we have been enjoying this for a couple of weeks now.  May it help to focus our hearts and minds on Christ.

“We bring an offering of worship to our King.
No one else on earth deserves the praises that we sing.
Jesus, may You receive the honor that You’re due…”
from ‘Christmas Offering’ on the Peace On Earth CD by Casting Crowns

Thankful For Turkeys

No, not these…

Turkey Art

these sweet little ones, hiding behind their art….

Turkey Art 2

Happy Thanksgiving!

Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good.
His love endures forever.
Psalm 118:29

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