In part one of the daily mommy vs teacher battle, peace is being made by allowing our children to be able to get outside and play each day. That was simple enough! Now, let’s move on to something more substantial. Today, in part two, we deal with relationship building opportunities.
Battle #2
Teacher – “We must stick to the academic tasks and stay on target today.”
Mommy – “How can I find adequate time to build strong relationships with the children and for them to grow closer together as well?”
Truce #2
– Schedule times for older kids to take a 15-20 minute break from their schoolwork to play with or read to the younger kids.
– Be encouraged by the natural tendencies the children have to talk, play, read, hug, and wrestle with each other – even if those few extra minutes ‘interrupt’ their schoolwork.
(above: our K child choosing
to read to her 17 month old sister)
– From time to time, invite the whole crew to dress up, choose hand puppets, or design some stick puppets and work together to put on a performance to share with daddy. (Of course, as in our family, the kids may take charge and come up with this idea on their own.) Be willing to give them time for planning, working through issues with one another, and for expressing their creativity!
-Do chores as a family – all working as a team toward achieving a goal.
(above: even our 2 year old enjoyed
helping by dusting the baseboards)
-Institute a regular family fun night. Play games, watch a movie, or have a Bible focused evening – all along with a fun snack!
– Have several fun educational days scattered throughout the year (100th day, Olympics related, family tea parties, etc) to maintain excitement in learning and to create family memories.
(above: our oldest trying out chopsticks at our family Asian themed tea)
–Make sure mama is remembering to wear a smile, is using pleasant tones, is looking at the children when they speak, and is giving hugs and encouraging feedback. This will go a long way to building a positive relationship!
– Use a ‘Mama and Me’ notebook to write back and forth in to develop another form of communication to strengthen the bonds of trust and transparency. (I think this will be especially beneficial as the kids get older, but it is a good habit to start now.)
What is our goal? Building family unity (in the midst of ‘doing’ school and life) so that we might glorify Christ!
May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus, so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. (Romans 15:5-6)
Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. (Ephesians 4:2-3)
How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity! (Psalm 133:1)
Follow the entire series…
The Daily Mommy vs Teacher Battle
Part 1 ~ outside time
Part 2 ~ strengthening relationships (current post)
Part 3 ~ life skills
Part 4 ~ including the younger children
Part 5 ~ persevering

Where were you when I was raising my kiddos?!! Great advice!!!