During the days leading up to Christmas, regardless of the ages or stages of our kids, the crafts we were able to create, the baking projects we were able to do, or the activities we participated in, when we have taken time to read, recite, and reflect on the true meaning of Christmas through the study of Luke 2:1-20 it has been a great blessing. Looking back, I would have to say that it has become a family tradition to review and recite the Biblical account of Christ’s birth each December – and it brings joy!
Here are five quick ways to help hide God’s Word in your heart and focus on the birth of Christ Jesus this Christmas…
1) Read and Listen from God’s Holy Word
Read it daily and let it soak in!
2) Practice Reciting the Scripture Passage Orally as a Family
Simply sit together and recite the passage aloud with one another.
Take turns listening to each other say as much of the portion of Scripture that they know.
Try to encourage the use of emphasis and expression!
Take turns tossing a ball or beanbag and saying a word or two from the text you are working on together. For example, one child tosses the ball and says, “In”. The child that catches the ball says the next word needed, “those”, and tosses it to someone else. Continue in this manner until the verse(s) are complete.
3) Use Pictures to Aid Comprehension
Luke 2:1-20 flows so well and is a great Biblical account to share orally. Help your youngest children retain meaning by connecting the text to pictures!
You may desire to use printable sheets or cards, such as those shown below.
Recite, Read, and Color using The Christmas Story Booklet!
(The text for this booklet is completely from the NIV, 1984 version.)
We have it in a Spanish translation as well!
Our four year old enjoys coloring each picture after he has successfully memorized the verse on the corresponding page!
4) Write it out!
It is so easy to just copy the text from your own Bible and a great way to assist in memorizing God’s Word!
As part of our Celebrating Christmas eBook, we have included printable copywork sheets, shown below, in both print and cursive for each verse.
A simpler version of print can be found at Hubbard’s Cupboard for free as well.
5) Retell Luke 2 in creative ways!
Move pieces of a flannel board or of a nativity set as you recite Luke 2 from memory.
Use nativity stamps to print the story. Then, point and retell using exact wording from Scripture.
And, of course, it is always fun to gather props and willing family members to act it out!
May you and your family be blessed this Christmas as you learn His Word and reflect on the true meaning of the season!

This is so perfect for my Christmas with Grammy party! Thank you for creating this