In the Bible, God placed tremendous significance on names. Whether it was the naming of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, Abram’s name being changed to Abraham (Genesis 17:1-6), Jacob becoming Israel (Genesis 32:28), or when Jesus changed Simon’s name to Peter (John 1:42) – assigning names, changing names, or disclosing titles was important and wrapped in meaning.
A couple of Christmas’ ago our family worked together to construct a set of wooden names of Jesus ornaments. They create a beautiful display on our tree and are a visual reminder of who we celebrate at Christmas – Jesus! Shortly after assembling the ornaments, they turned into a springboard for a Christmas exploration on the names and titles of Jesus!
She will give birth to a son,
and you are to give him the name
because he will save his people from their sins.~Matthew 1:21
Were you aware that Jesus has over 200 names or titles that refer to Him? Why? Well, each title reveals either more of His nature and character, His position in relation to God the Father, or the mission and purpose that He was to fulfill. There is so much to discover as you study His Great Name!
His Great Name: Jesus is designed to be a three year advent study focusing on who Jesus is. It creates an opportunity, as a family, to pause during this busy season and to refocus our hearts and minds on who Jesus is, why He came, and His great love and sacrifice for us.
In Volume 1, our children followed the birth of Jesus chronologically through Scripture readings, learned the meanings behind 13 of the titles and names given to Jesus (such as Savior, Immanuel, and Son of God), attempted to relate the spiritual truth learned about Jesus to their own lives, copied and recited Luke 2:1-20, and sang related hymns of praise to Jesus.
His Great Name: Jesus (Volume 2) contains 14 additional titles beheld by Jesus. Our children worked through part of these lessons last December and we look forward to completing them during this Christmas season. Through Scripture readings, students get a big picture overview of creation, sin, God’s plan for redemption, the birth of Jesus our Savior, His death, burial, and resurrection, His promise to return, and the need for our continual growth in Christ. They also copy and memorize John 1:1-18, learn the significance of Jesus’ titles (such as The Word, Creator, Light of the World, Lamb of God, etc.), discover how these can influence their view of Christ, and sing hymns to praise His Great Name!
Let them praise your great and awesome name
— he is holy.
~Psalm 99:3
Come study with us the most precious name of all – Jesus!
Salvation is found in no one else,
for there is no other name under heaven
given to men by which we must be saved.~Acts 4:12

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