In high school, I had the opportunity to work as part of our yearbook staff. It was before everything went digital. So, I gained experience taking and developing photos, using gridded paper to design layouts measured in picas and using the rule of thirds, as well as writing copy and captions. I absolutely loved it!
Quite a few years later, with the birth of our first child, I was able to step back into that realm somewhat with the creating of a first year album and family scrapbooks. Again, though, it was pre-digital and everything was done on scrapbook pages, utilizing real photos that needed cropped with tools, choosing paper backgrounds, borders, and other embellishments such as buttons and stickers to dress up each page, as well as adding sticker letter headlines and handwritten captions.
Jump forward to starting preschool at home and adding more sweet blessings … My time for having free nights and weekend scrapbooking parties with other mom friends became less and less and the albums came to a screeching halt as my responsibilities increased. There was just no time available to keep creating albums for our family.
Well, now, all of my photos are digital and are taking up space on my phone and computer. Rarely do the pictures get printed in order to be displayed in our home and they never get printed to form a memorable scrapbook. It..just..takes..too..much..time!
But, the photos have not stopped. I am still constantly taking pictures of our kids.
And, having a scrapbook or photo album for our family to refer to is still very beneficial!
We now create digital homeschool yearbooks!
One of the last things I do as our family wraps up an end of a school year is to make a homeschool yearbook.
shared memories
As a homeschool family, we spend a LOT of time together – singing, reading, playing, and learning. So much growing and changing is going on each year! It is important to have a way to help remember these days. Our kids look at the different homeschool yearbooks made over the years and rehash what they did, where they were, and what they learned. The shared memories always bring smiles and laughter!
a record of the past
I admit it. I’m forgetful. I need a place to remind me of the important events and activities in our busy family’s life. We record holidays, birthdays, the first day of school, our 100th day celebration, any field trips, co-op experiences, photos of artwork, etc. We also make sure to capture the everyday learning that is taking place.
a sense of accomplishment
We all know that homeschooling is hard. We never feel like we are doing enough, being enough, providing enough for our children. And, we tend to question ourselves (at least I do sometimes) as to whether it is really all worth the time and effort as our days blur together throughout the course of the year. Somehow, seeing the pictures of our children at the end of a long, challenging school year, can be just the thing I need to re-spark the joy of schooling at home as I can visually see the web of learning that was taking place. It provides a much needed sense of accomplishment – for myself and our kids!
An online photo book editor makes the process of creating a homeschool yearbook so much easier than previous years of doing a book all by hand! We have been using Shutterfly, but there are other online options available.
You first choose the size of album you desire and select an overall style or theme. Next, you upload photos. They can either be preplaced randomly or, if you are like me, you can organize them by page. Then, the fun begins! You can choose background patterns and colors, customize your layout, resize and crop images, and insert graphics and text for each spread! Tinker and polish to your heart’s delight (and perhaps shed a happy tear or two as you see how much your kids are growing). Once you think you are done, you’ll want to carefully edit your text and picture placement. Then, hit ‘add to cart’ and check out. (Tip: Always make sure to look for coupon codes and specials before ordering. They run deals frequently. So there is no need to pay full price – unless you are in a hurry.)
We have found the most difficult part is waiting a few days for our package to arrive in the mail!
But, oh, when it does arrive, watch your kids’ faces light up with excitement!
I love observing them pour over the new book each year and watching them bring out all of the others… saying, “I remember when we did that!”, asking questions, and talking about events.
It’s a wonderful way to celebrate a year of homeschool learning!

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