May this year be marked by love – love for God, love for each other,
and love for God’s Word to go to the nations.
That is how my dear husband prayed over our school year the first day of school, echoing what is in my own heart for our family this year – that we would show love.
Our ‘students’ – the children that God has blessed us with to love, cherish, and train up for His glory…
We usually start our school year on a Friday and have a Fun Start Friday! This year’s theme was ‘Love’ and our focus verse was 1 Peter 4:8…
Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.
Here is a peek at some of the things we did….
Sword Drills (Looking up verses on love)
Heart Crafts:
Fun Food:
Encouraging Notes and Some Silliness:
The kids were excited and it turned out to be a great first day!
Praying that Christ will work in our hearts and increase our love over the course of the year,
that our love may abound more and more.
This post is linked up with the 4th annual “Not” Back-To-School Blog Hop
over at the iHomeschool Network. This week is Student Photos Week =)

I think this is such a beautiful post. What a wonderful first day of school – keeping the focus on the Lord! So perfect! Thank you for sharing this idea. I keep thinking I need to be starting on a Monday or close to the beginning of the week, but I’m having a hard time deciding when to start with all the little trips we’re taking soon. So, thanks for sharing. :) (and thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog!) I’m going to be checking out your blog more when I have time. :)
I love your fun Friday tradition! Looks like everyone had fun!
Today, I happened upon your lovely website, Hubbard’s Cupboard while searching for info on my friends the Hubbard’s in Southern California. They are CEF directors in Lancaster, CA. They homeschool their children. I, also, homeschooled my children, but they have since grown and married and are now homeschooling their own families. I just had to stop in and comment. I sent a link to your blog to my other Hubbard friends. :) God bless you today and always as you journey through this life.
What a neat connection! Thank you for stopping by and for sharing =)
Oh, and I forgot to mention that their CEF Newsletter is titled ‘The Hubbard Cupboard’. :)
What a beautiful day you had! I was just trying to remember that saying from the prayer you had told me Chris had prayed that morning. I loved the way he put it because it really puts the year into perspective. Funny that it was one of the first things I saw when I got on here this morning. I know the kids will remember this first day and you inspire me (as always) to put a focus on our year as well. Thanks, Michelle…and I love the pictures!
I stumbled on your site while researching sight words and I’m simply blown away. I know that God led me to your resources. I’ve made the decision to homeschool my five yr. old (kicking and screaming of course) and I am/was lost (I’ve already started to use some of your resources and they’re really working for us). I just had to stop by and thank you. I will be sharing the site with everyone I know. Thanks again and God bless you and your family!