In part four of the daily mommy vs teacher battle, I shared the tension felt between providing academic time with older children and the importance of seeing our younger children as blessings instead of hindrances during our school day. I also shared some practical ways that we can show love to and include our littlest ones in the midst of the academics.
In this last battle, two opposing views are expressed.
Can peace be found in this last battle?
Battle #5
Teacher – “I don’t feel like we are doing enough academically.”
Mommy – “I am feeling stifled by the academics and am burning out.”
Truce #5
– I need to consider several things if I (as the mother, teacher, and discipler) am feeling burned out. There is a lot to ponder here and I think each could be a post in themselves! However, I will keep it to just a few questions that I need to take into account…
Does my husband think we are not ‘doing enough academics’ or is it coming from outside sources that I should
probablynot be using as my standard or from my own lofty expectations? Although he is not typically present during the day to day, God has placed my husband as a protector over me and I should be seeking his insight. -
Also, do the children seem to be progressing and learning in what they are studying?
What does God’s Word command me to teach the children? Am I obeying His Word in this regard?
Am I in the Word daily and staying secure to the vine?
-Remember that when all else fails, focus on the four essentials – Bible, reading, writing, and math! It is foundational for all other areas of learning.
-Maybe older children can read historical fiction and biographies and/or do some science experiments following steps in a book or video (on their own). There will be plenty of time to work on science and history in depth as those precious babies, toddlers, and preschoolers turn into elementary aged students – which will happen in the blink of an eye.
(above: our 3 1/2 year old this fall)
The daily mommy vs teacher battles have been raging strong this school year in our home and I have come to the conclusion that homeschooling with many precious blessings is…
Just. Plain. HARD.
It is challenging physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually!
As Todd Wilson states in his book, Lies Homeschooling Moms Believe,
No one homeschools because it is easy. Most do it because they think it is the best. That should comfort you, because the best things are almost always the hardest things. Think about it. The things that are easiest are usually not very good for you, but those things that take blood, sweat, and tears are worth everything. So take heart. Homeschooling must be really, really good because it is really, really hard.
Knowing that homeschooling is hard can either make you cave into the temptation to give up and place all your school aged children on that big yellow bus that passes by each day OR it can build perseverance and increase your faith. I want to persevere. I want to run a steady course in spite of the obstacles, the difficulties, and the discouragement.
Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
(James 1:2-4)
But, how can I persevere? It will only be through prayer and an unrelenting reliance on Christ’s power within me. I can not do this in my own strength!
Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his face always.
(1 Chronicles 16:11)
Through prayers and the strengthening by His Holy Spirit, I will also gain a peace that transcends all understanding, helping me to hold fast and to persevere.
You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you. (Isaiah 26:3)
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
(Philippians 4:6-7)
Dear Jesus, let me not become weary in doing good, for you promise that at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. (Galatians 6:9)
Fellow homeschooling mamas, I’d love to hear about any ‘truces’ you have come up with that ease your mommy vs teacher battles! May we encourage one another and spur each other on to persevere.
Have you missed any parts of this series?
The Daily Mommy vs Teacher Battle
Part 1 ~ outside time
Part 2 ~ strengthening relationships
Part 3 ~ life skills
Part 4 ~ including the younger children
Part 5 ~ persevering (current post)

Oh.. my.. yes.. thank you for this series. I am bookmarking to come back. Thank You!
How did you know I needed to read this?? :) I have been struggling lately also. I have a 8yo ds, 6yo dd, 3yo ds, 1yo dd. And between trying to tweak the lessons for the older ones so we can do them together, and trying to include the 3yo (who wants to be included in EVERYTHING, even world geography!), and not completely ignoring the baby (who is almost 2 now, oh my goodness, when did THAT happen???)…not to mention everything else that goes into managing a home…I was gazing longingly out the window at that big yellow bus that passes the house every morning…
But I do feel called to this mission. And I know that if I keep hanging onto the promises of the One who called me, He will make me strong for this task.
One thing that I make sure I do every day is have some quiet, alone time in the Word, with my cup of coffee, EARLY, before the rest of the house is up. If I don’t get that quiet time with God in the morning, all chances of having it later are lost, and most often, the day doesn’t go very well. (Isn’t that weird, how the day just goes so much better when we start it out with God?)
Thank you for this series!! I have been blessed by you!! :)
I agree – time alone in God’s Word BEFORE the kids awake is crucial for each day in our home as well! Thank you for sharing and reminding me of that =)
From one tired mama to another, seeking Christ for strength,
WOW–This whole series has been such a blessing to me. I have struggled with this Mommy-vs-Teacher battle to one degree or another throughout my 12 years of homeschooling, but I don’t think I’ve ever heard another mom express the same struggle. Thank you for the time you put into encouraging us to keep our chins up and keep focused on what’s most important.