From your beautiful 9 year old…
Thank you for giving the best hugs ever!
Thank you for taking me out to lunch.
Thank you for spending time with me.
Thank you for loving me.
Thank you for doing morning devotions with me.
Thank you for praying for me.
From your lovely 7 year old…
Thank you for all the things you do!
Thank you for playing with us.
Thank you for giving hugs and kisses.
Thank you for teaching me to ride my bike.
From your handsome 5 year old…
Thank you for being my daddy – because I love you!
Thank you for giving me hugs.
From your energetic 3 year old…
Thank you for being my daddy.
Thank you for playing trains and Super Why with me.
Thank you for reading to me.
From your adorable 1 year old… (Well, what we thought he might say =) )
Thank you for playing trains and ‘cooking’ with me.
Thank you for giving me food.
Thank you for encouraging me to walk.
From your bride…
Thank you for your love and dedication to our family.
Thank you for being an example of grace to the children and for pointing all of us to our Heavenly Father.
We love you!!!!

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