We now have three young readers in our house!
Scenes, like the one below, are becoming more common.
So, how did we get here?
Lots of listening to stories being read – by mom, dad, grandmas, and especially older siblings…
Playing ABC games, doing letter sorts, and making letter art for upper and lowercase letter recognition and matching…
Playing sound games for matching letters to sounds, finding the same sounds, etc.
Enjoying rhyming/word family mini books and games and practice at building words…
Reading sight words in the context of predictable readers…
Practicing and reading sight words out of context in a fun way…
Beginning workbooks for letters, sounds, rhyming, word reading, and writing out of context…
Lots of easy reading practice…with leveled phonics readers…
Now, our son is excitedly reading anything he can- from leveled readers at the library, more challenging books from our bookshelves, or even reading aloud a few verses from Scripture with the family!
He has a sense of pride and success!
Our three readers have all made this progression, just at their own pace. I love the excitement as the world of books and the joy of reading are opened up for each child!

Yayyyyy!!! Reading is so much fun, J. It can take you on so many adventures.