The following is what our family has selected to try to implement for the new school year. Starting this school year, we have an 8 year old third grader, 6 1/2 year old first grader, 4 1/2 year old PreK child, an active 2 1/2 year old, and a 4 month old baby.
Due to having an infant in the house who is not in as good of a routine as the other children were at this age, we plan to start with the basics (Bible, Language Arts, and Math) and then add in more formal science, history, and geography in a couple months. We’ll just have to see how smoothly, or not, things go!
Bible and Devotions
- Daily Proverbs
- Family Memory Verse Work
- Character Traits and Bible stories from Joyful Heart Character
- ‘Thankful Thursday’ gratitude notebook
- Proverbs Family Night Tool Chest by Jim Weildmann – one night a week with Daddy!
Science/ Art / Music / Foreign Language
- Backyard Nature Notebook
- A homemade orchestra study incorporating ‘A Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra’
- Rosetta Stone Latin American Spanish
Read Alouds
Until we begin our purchased MFW curriculum, we plan to read classics such as The Trumpet of the Swan, Heidi, The Secret Garden, Mrs. Piggle Wiggle, and Charlotte’s Web.
Reading / Language Arts /Math
our 3rd grader…
- Readers: a mixture of Sonlight 2A and 3 regular readers, free choice reading on her own, Book Report Task Cards
- Explode the Code books 7 and 8 for phonics
- Sequential Spelling
- A Reason for Handwriting Book T – We plan to finish the transition lessons and then move into the second half of the book. This series has the child practice writing a few letters and words each day that pertain to a certain Bible verse. Then, on the last day, the child copies the full verse neatly.
- Copywork – Bible verses from the Joyful Heart Character lessons
- Grammar and Writing: Primary Language Lessons and writing letters
- Horizons Math (completing Level 2 and heading into 3)
- Flashcards
- Hands on Math games from Right Start
- Calendar Binder and Math Task Cards (did for only first semester)
- Writing With Ease level 2 (started second semester)
our First Grader…
- Readers: Abeka 2nd grade readers, free choice reading on own, book sheets
- Explode the Code books 4 and 5 for phonics
- Sequential Spelling
- Copywork – Bible verses from the Joyful Heart Character lessons
- Grammar and Writing: Daily Language Lessons for 1st, Grammar & Punctuation, and writing letters
- A Reason for Handwriting Book B
- Horizons Math Level 1
- Flashcards
- Hands on Math games from Right Start
- Calendar Binder and Math Task Strips (did for only first semester)
- Writing With Ease level 1 (started second semester)
our Pre K child…
First Semester
- Joyful Heart Character -Bible story, memory verse, character trait study, and beginning reading activities
- Calendar Binder
Second Semester
- ABeka K readers, lots of reading from leveled readers at the library, phonics readers (Then, he took off and began reading everything he could get his hands on. He loves Nate the Great, Bernstein Bears, the Bible, etc.)
- Explode the Code 1
- Horizons Math K
our toddler…
- Singing verses in her Joyful Heart Tune Binder
- Catechism questions and answers
- Manipulatives and games with Mommy
- Do-a-Dot Letter Art – from Confessions of a Homeschooler
- Enjoying books
- play, play, play =)
our infant…
I keep joking with my husband that our youngest ‘student’ is the one I expect to see the most growth in this year! From getting into a consistent routine, rolling over, sitting up, eating baby foods, ‘talking’ more, etc, he has his own full blown curriculum to work on!
Lifeskills and Extracurricular Activities
- Hand Sewing: We will continue to use My First Sewing Book (Level 1) and My First Embroidery Book (Level 2) both by Winky Cherry.
- Gymnastics (oldest three kids)
- Ballet (oldest two girls)
- AWANA – We have a T&T, a Sparks, a Cubbie, and a Puggle now!
- Family Chore Time
- Some homeschool outings/ field trips with other families in our church.
To Be Added in a Couple Months
It was difficult when we came to the conclusion that it would be best for our family to wait a couple months before working through the following curriculum!
History / Geography
Exploring Countries and Cultures in My Father’s World from My Father’s World Curriculum is our choice for this school year. It includes geography (learning about various countries around the world), a Bible study of the book of Matthew, praying for unreached people groups around the world using Window on the World, science (biomes), hands on art and science projects, integrated narration and copywork, read alouds about missionaries, music from other countries, and cooking experiences. We can’t wait to start our adventure around the world!
Bible and Devotions
MFW study of the book of Matthew
(including copywork for the oldest two girls ~ You can find free printables to coordinate with the verses from Matthew here.)
As we learn about different countries and cultures, we will also be learning about the animals that live in those environments. We plan to use the resources suggested in the MFW ECC curriculum – The Living World Encyclopedia, Properties of Ecosystems, The Big Book of Animals, The Great Animal Search, and the Encyclopedia of Animals.
- MFW incorporates the use of Global Art by Mary Ann Kohl.
- Draw Write Now – We will be drawing animals to coordinate with the different continents and regions/habitats of the world.
If you are interested in seeing what other homeschoolers are doing, check out the Not Back to School Blog Hop hosted at Heart of the Matter! It is Curriculum Week!

we have been doing this homeschooling thing for 3 years and since we started I’ve always had a little one underfoot, but this year will be the first time no little one underfoot and will also be the first time I am really going to focus on not doing just the basics,lol. I felt in the past that it was a great accomplishment to just get all the kids to enjoy playing together and not tattle ha ha, i considered that character training!!! Have a blessed year!!!
Thanks for sharing on the blog hop. I just added the Proverbs tool chest book to my amazon shopping cart…it looks so fun!
Hi! I found you through the blog hop! It sounds like you have a GREAT plan in place… what a good idea to start with the basics & move from there when you are ready.
You have such terrific read alouds planned. Trumpet of the Swan and The Secret Garden are among my all time favorites. I love Charlotte’s Web and Heidi too.
Michelle ~
To answer your questions about the Cubbies…I did all the verses for the Jumper book…and then found out that the kids will be doing Hopper this year. :) I’m hoping to post the Jumper verses soon and need to get ahold of a Hopper book to make sure I have the verses right. :)
So…long story short…after a bit I will have both of the Cubbies books posted.
My eldest is 3 years old and we are planning on using hubbardscupboard this year. Thank you so much for sharing :) Will add you to my “to read” blogs :) Have a great school year :)
I would love to hear how you’re liking MFW ECC this year! We have used MFW for Kind, 1st, and 2nd. Thinking of ordering it for 3rd. Would love to hear your honest feedback! :)
I just stumbled upon your blog for preschoolers curriculum and I couldn’t be more excited! THANK YOU so much for all your ideas. I’ve been searching for over 2 years for curriculum that I would want to do with my kids for preschool and this is exactly what I’d been hoping for. I knew that I didn’t have the knowledge or experience to do it myself from scratch and I didn’t want to settle and now, thanks to your efforts, I don’t have to. I can hardly wait to start the program with my daughter!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!