Multiple Choice Test

Quick, a multiple choice test!

When things don’t go the way you want them to, do you…

a) throw up your hands and say, “I can’t do this!”?
b) keep moving forward, inch by inch, making modifications and adjustments as needed in order to reach your goal?
c) cry out to the Lord for help?
d) all of the above?

If you answered choice ‘d’, then maybe you can relate.

We are on day 31 of our first grade and preschool homeschool journey this year. (Well, actually day 42 now that I am getting around to posting this. LOL!) Yeah!  While it is exciting to think that we are this far into the school year already, I must admit that the beginning weeks of our school year have been very challenging for me.

I used to teach kindergarten in a public school.  There were fairly set times and a distinct order to our day. I could post a schedule on the board and kids would know what was coming next.  In general, kids thrive on routine -knowing what is coming next and what is expected.  I thrive in an environment like that as well.   So, here in our homeschool, I have organized a daily routine and order for what we are to do when, but  in a household of 4 precious children, ranging in age from 6 years to 7 months, we can’t always have a set routine.  There are some uncommon first grade ‘interruptions’ that my oldest has to deal with – such as stopping while mommy has to discipline a younger sibling or taking a break as mommy goes to change a diaper or calms her baby sister.   So, what if we take a quick break every now and then or I ask her to continue working by herself on something?  Or, what happens when it says in my plans that we are to do read aloud next, but the baby is crying and there is no reasonable way anyone can actually listen and comprehend what is happening in the story – let alone mommy be able to read?  Does it really matter if we switch the read aloud time with say, some phonics seatwork while I can comfort my baby girl?   It is these daily times of adjusting to the needs of each child and taking in consideration of what is best for all of us that are challenging for me.   I want to cherish the time with the youngest children AND do school well (and keep an orderly house, etc, etc.)    So, in order to do that, flexibility has had to become my new motto!

And, in all honesty, these challenging times are also the times when the enemy whispers thoughts of  ‘You can’t do this.  You’re just playing school.  When are you going to send her to a REAL school?’

I have to remember that, no matter how crazy some days feel, my first grader IS learning.   She is just learning in a different environment.  And that is OKAY!

Find rest, O my soul, in God alone. My hope comes from Him.
He alone is my rock and my salvation.  He is my fortress.
I will not be shaken.  My salvation and my honor depend on God.
He is my mighty rock, my refuge. Trust in him at all times, O people.
Pour out your hearts to Him.  For God is our refuge.
(Psalm 62:5-8)

My hope is in my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  My strength comes from Him.

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