What Homeschooling Isn’t

Note to Self…

Homeschooling is NOT
– all about the academics (although it is important and I was trained that way).
– a daily checklist of things we must do (although I am wired that way).

Homeschooling IS
3) freedom and flexibility.
We have freedom and flexibility in our daily schedule, freedom to choose and/or create curriculum that fits the learning styles and needs of our children, freedom from assigned homework, flexibility to pace instruction to each child’s level, and freedom to work with the strengths and weaknesses of each child in order to develop their God given talents and calling.

2) family.
We have an increased opportunity to work on nurturing sibling relationships, encourage respect, show compassion to one another, model forgiveness, and learn to be others focused as we work together, day by day, as a family.

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.
Philippians 2:3-4

1) discipleship.
We get the privilege and high calling to lead our little ones to the One and Only Savior, Jesus Christ.  We are able to treasure Christ with our children through songs, Bible reading, Scripture memory, and heart training.

Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.
Deuteronomy 11:18-19

… just because I need to be reminded from time to time as we press on during this journey.

Throw Your Tooth on the Roof!

Throw Your Tooth on the Roof Well, it finally happened.  Our oldest child has lost her very first tooth.  In February, we all had dentist appointments and the dental hygienist pointed out that our oldest daughter already had two new front bottom teeth growing behind her front two baby teeth.  This was quite a surprise to all of us, but the dental hygienist reassured us that everything would be fine and that both teeth should be out within a month…We just had to keep reminding her to wiggle her two front teeth every day =) 

So, you would have thought that my husband and I would have been thinking ahead to what our plans would be for when those first teeth finally did decide to come out – but no.  The morning after her first tooth fell out, I was scrambling, searching online in an attempt to find an alternative to the Tooth Fairy.  Yes, I realize that we are bucking tradition and that just about every child in America has or will be visited by the well loved, albeit mysterious Tooth Fairy.  Just like in our discussions of the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus, we have decided to be truthful about what we convey to our children regarding the Tooth Fairy.

So, here is our family’s new tradition as our children lose their first baby teeth…

1) Read aloud books about losing teeth and traditions around the world regarding what happens when children lose their teeth.  Here are two great books…
Throw Your Tooth on the Roof: Traditions From Around the World by Selby Beeler (Not every culture has a Tooth Fairy!  In many places around the world, children are visited by mice who take their teeth in exchange for a small coin or gift.  Others throw their tooth on the roof, bury it in the ground, or feed it to animals.  Ask them which they think is the funniest, strangest, or most similar to our family’s tradition.  Read a few entries at a time, locating the countries on a map or globe.)
Little Rabbit’s Loose Tooth by Lucy Bate (This is a sweet story about a rabbit that loses her first tooth and can’t decide if she wants to believe in the tooth fairy, hinting that her mommy and daddy are the real tooth fairies.)

2) Have the child place their tooth in a pocket pillow and hang it outside their door.  (They know the Tooth Fairy is mommy and daddy! Our oldest decided it was best to hang the pillow outside the door so that the “Tooth Mommy” wouldn’t accidentally wake her up in the middle of the night =) )

Tooth Pillow

3) For the very first tooth, they get a special bead charm with 20 beads to represent their 20 baby teeth. They will get to move one bead each time a tooth falls out.  We will also scrapbook this rite of passage with a photo, date, and explanation for how and where their tooth came out.
(The tooth pillow and tooth counting chain were both found at The Silver Penny.)

Tooth Counting Chain

4) For the other teeth that fall out, they will get either a gold foiled chocolate coin OR a coin from a foreign country to begin an around the world coin collection.  Hopefully, we decide that before the next tooth falls out!

So, there you have it!  Since, our oldest wasn’t too keen on trying to throw her tooth on the roof and hop around our house on one foot while we all laughed, we now have ‘The Tooth Mommy’ and a new family tradition!

That’s Happiness


Our one year old has really taken to eating table food, much quicker than our other three did.  Often we can barely get it on her tray before she is already going to town on dinner.

Being a one year old, she doesn’t get everything to her mouth and we have some really nice pocket bibs that catch the food.  When we take the tray off, she squeals a little as she finds the remains that didn’t make it to her mouth and gets another portion.  I have coined this as ‘Happiness in a Bib.’

Tonight we had pizza casserole and she really liked it.  I couldn’t get a bite before her tray was empty and was signing for more.  When we took the tray off this time, the pocket was pretty full and her big brother said, “That’s Happiness!”

N is For Never-Tiring

Our church uses the curriculum published by Children Desiring God.  For first grade, they are implementing the ABC’s of God.  Our first grader has been learning characteristics of God, such as God is Creator, Glorious, Wise, Almighty, Sovereign, Provider, Attentive, Unchanging, etc.  Today, she came home form Sunday School with this lesson – ‘N is for Never-Tiring.’  As I read it, I was encouraged to remember that when I am feeling weak and tired and my strength is gone, God never grows tired or weary.  He never slumbers or sleeps.  He is the One who gives rest to our weary souls.

Do you not know?
Have you not heard?
The LORD is the everlasting God,
the Creator of the ends of the earth.
He will not grow tired or weary,
and his understanding no one can fathom.
Isaiah 40:28

My help comes from the LORD,
the Maker of heaven and earth.
He will not let your foot slip—
He who watches over you will not slumber.
Indeed, He who watches over Israel
will neither slumber nor sleep.
Psalm 21:2-4

Psalm 27:2 also states…
In vain you rise early
and stay up late,
toiling for food to eat—
for He grants sleep to those he loves.

There is a footnote for Psalm 27:2 referring to ‘for He grants sleep’ saying that some versions say ‘for while they sleep He provides for ‘.  This would then read, “For while they sleep, He provides for those He loves.”  How freeing that is!  Now, this does not mean that I can just sleep the day away  -That would be a completely different issue!  He does give each of us gifts and abilities that we are to use for His glory.  He has given us work to do. But, when I am weary and in need of rest, He has boundless energy and continues to provide for me as I sleep.  Then, I can face each day with the strength and endurance that He provides.

Lord Jesus, help me to rest and trust in You.

Having Cake

and eating it with your hands


Happy 1st Birthday to my baby girl =)

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