During this school year, our 3rd and 5th grade children and I have been delving into ancients for history and exploring astronomy for science! So far, the combination has worked well since both begin with the foundation of Creation with our loving God as the Master Designer. It’s the perfect combination for creation based studies!
As we study Biblical history and early civilizations and also discover information about the sun, planets, and stars, I like how it all so easily points us back to God.
The heavens declare the glory of God.
The skies proclaim the work of his hands.
Psalm 19:1 (NIV, 1984)
We are making connections with Biblical history and seeing how God’s hand was at work in both the forming and sustaining of the universe and the nations.
I am struck by the words in this small verse of Scripture.
Great is our Lord, and abundant in power.
His understanding is beyond measure.Psalm 147:5 (ESV)
great ….abundant in power….beyond measure
Yes! That is what I wish for our children to consider and contemplate as they continue to study this year. My hope is that they not only store up content knowledge, but that they encounter the Living God! May they always realize that it is Christ who is great in His steadfast love for us, who is abundant in power as He not only created everything, but sustains us and gives us life, and that His wisdom and understanding are beyond measure.
If you are also studying Ancient History with your children, you may be interested in a new resource that was just added to our Teachers Pay Teachers store – an Ancient History Notebook!

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