Hands down, my favorite part of our family’s homeschool day is the time when we gather all together and sing hymns, review Scripture passages, use a short devotional to focus on the truths in God’s Word, and pray.
We call this time Morning Worship, but it can (and does) take place anytime throughout the day.
We use three binders for our family of seven. In each binder, I placed several hymns that I desired for all of us to learn to sing as well as Scripture passages that many of us have learned previously. I organized the binders so that there are two sheets (back to back) inside of page protectors. Since we use them each day, I am hopeful that the added thickness will enable the sheets to last longer.
After singing praises to Jesus and reviewing Scripture, we then answer the catechism questions as found in the book Training Hearts, Teaching Minds by Starr Meade. Next, we read two days worth from the devotional. For the ages and attentiveness of our kids, this seems to be a good amount for us. To get our older kids more involved, I will often ask them to look up the Bible verse references beforehand and then they read those at the point in the devotional when the Scriptures are needed.
We follow the devotional reading with a prayer time. In addition to praying for others, we are attempting to pray back Scripture read that day and making an effort to pray integrating what was just learned through the devotional reading.
I look forward to this short, enjoyable, focused, and intentional time with my family each school day!
Here is a free PDF containing our Morning Worship Binder materials – hymns and Scripture passages. Enjoy!

Thank you so much for blessing others with these beautiful resources.