Are you looking for a way for your younger children to interact more with Scripture as you read the Biblical accounts of Jesus’ coming to earth as a baby? Try Christmas Scripture Booklets for coloring and Christmas Story Sequencing for retelling!
Last year, we used The Christmas Story Booklet based on Luke 2 to assist our 4 year old in memorizing a portion of Luke 2:1-20. This year, he is continuing to make progress with this passage.
Now, there are 3 additional Christmas Scripture Booklets! We are not planning on memorizing these passages at this time, but desire to read them during this Christmas season. Here is a suggested reading order so that the events are read chronologically. (I used the exact Scripture for each booklet.)
Jesus’ Birth Foretold (Portions of Luke 1 and Matthew 1)
The Christmas Story (Luke 2)
The Naming of Jesus (Luke 2, continued)
In God’s Hand (Matthew 2)
Make sure to print out the Christmas Story Sequencing Sheets as well!
The Christmas Story Sequencing Sheets correspond with the Scripture passages from the Christmas Story Booklets. These are great for reviewing and retelling the Biblical accounts! Color versions of the pictures would work well in a pocket chart. In addition, black and white student sheets are included for individual work.
These printables are available over at the Hubbard’s Cupboard Christmas page.
May these FREE resources from Hubbard’s Cupboard bless you and your children this Christmas as you read from His Word and learn more about Jesus and His coming as the Savior.

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