A couple weeks ago, our oldest girls came to us desiring to do some type of work to raise money for a charity during this Christmas season. After ruling out a few ideas, what should they finally choose? Well, it is often said that our children are always watching us and will model what we do. So, following in the footsteps of their mama, they decided to create Christmas related materials for parents and teachers. =)
Booklets for Bibles
Please assist us in raising money to help print Bibles through Wycliffe for the Mayogo people in their heart language. They live in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
To read more about this project click the link below https://www.wycliffe.org/giftcatalog/projects/give-scripture-for-the-mayogo
Our goal is to raise $120 by selling Countdown to Christmas Math Puzzles: Names of Jesus and Countdown to Christmas Math Puzzles: Seasonal Jokes. This amount will allow for 20 New Testaments to be printed for the Mayogo people.
These booklets have 24 different puzzles with math problems (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) to figure out either a name of Jesus as found in Scripture or the answer to a fun seasonal joke. They were designed with 3rd-4th graders in mind.
~The Hubbard girls
The girls have been working hard to have these materials ready for December 1st so that you, dear teachers and moms, can have them for use with your children.
Won’t you, please support them in reaching their goal?
The booklets are available for purchase at our Joyful Heart Learning store for just $3.00 each. All proceeds from either of these products this Christmas season will go toward the girls’ goal to give Bibles to the Mayogo people.
Countdown to Christmas Math Puzzles: Seasonal Jokes
Countdown to Christmas Math Puzzles: Names of Jesus
Giving Tuesday – Booklets for Bibles

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