Some (new to us) ideas from online that we tried this week…
Colorful Light Ray Crosses from Housing a Forest
This was a great craft that our four oldest children, ages 4-10, all delighted in completing!
and Ukrainian Easter Egg Art from Alpha Mom
Our eggs were not nearly as bright and colorful as the original ones in the link above, but the kids enjoyed seeing what would happen with each additional layer of white crayon and paint.
Some ideas the kids came up with on their own…
An Easter Scene Peek-a-Box
Our son gathered materials and proceeded to create a scene from the Bible –a cross, empty tomb, and linen cloth – accompanied on the outside with a relevant verse of Scripture from Matthew 28:6!
He is not here. He has risen, just as he said.
Come and see the place where he lay.
and Telling the Easter story through Legos!
The Triumphal Entry… Mark 11:1-11
(Can you see the palm branches?)
The Last Supper / Passover Meal… Mark 14:12-26
(Jesus and his 12 disciples, complete with the bread and the cup…)
Jesus Praying in the Garden… Mark 14:32-41
(Yes, there are the sleeping apostles as well.)
Jesus Being Arrested and the Disciples Fleeing… Mark 14:43-50
(The kids included a couple of disciples running away and one cutting the ear of a soldier – well, ahem, a hand in this Lego rendition…)
The Three Crosses… Mark 15:25-26
(complete with the sign stating ‘King of the Jews’)
The Empty Tomb… Matthew 28:1-10
(Note an angel atop the stone that was rolled away and the fallen guards.)
For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures… (1 Corinthians 15:3-4)
May you enjoy your Easter weekend, celebrating our risen Savior!

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