It is great to learn from other homeschoolers! I love to read blogs written by other homeschool moms. I like being able to get a glimpse into their day, see how they have organized their home and learning environment, see the types of curriculum they are using, and read their reviews of curriculum that they have used in the past. I will often see an idea, ponder it, determine whether it might be something beneficial for our family, and then possibly try to implement it in our own homeschool.
While gleaning ideas from the generous sharing though, whether in real life or online, I have to be very careful to not let comparison creep in. Oh, my friend so and so’s child can do this and this already, homeschool blog mom is doing X,Y,Z with her kids and I can barely do A! It can start an emotional roller coaster in my mind and add an unnecessary burden- a load that I am not meant to carry.
Each one should test his own actions. Then he can take pride in himself, without comparing himself to somebody else, for each one should carry his own load.
Galatians 6:4-5
I start thinking… Am I doing enough, doing the correct types of things, using the right curriculum? How can we fit this and this into our days, too? Why can’t I seem to do it all like so and so? Learning from, being encouraged, and growing from the sharing of other homeschoolers is wonderful. Coveting and being overly critical of my choices for our family because of it is not.
I have read somewhere that comparing our homeschool with other families is a joy stealer and that Christ is the true standard. Wow. That is a statement that I truly need to let sink into my heart and mind.
My friend and I may both be homeschooling moms, but each family is different. We are created with varying weaknesses and strengths. We have different backgrounds and experiences and have formed different expectations. Thus, we stress different priorities. Our family makeup is different. It does make a difference whether you have been blessed with two children or seven, whether you have lots of young children and no older ones, or mostly older children and only one younger child, or two children just a year apart, etc. Fathers’ work schedules are also different and the amount of time and support they provide varies. God made each of our families unique. And thus, each mom’s allotted work from God will be varied as well. So, there should be NO comparison! If I want to evaluate how and what we are doing as a family, then I should be comparing it against the Word of God. What are His expectations of me and of our children?
A discerning man keeps wisdom in view,
but a fool’s eyes wander to the ends of the earth.
Proverbs 17:24
I want to rid myself of this major joy stealer. I want to keep a proper perspective, knowing that I am homeschooling for His glory. How are our children’s hearts? Are they growing in Christ? I want to delight in my children- their strengths, quirks, and varied learning styles – the way God designed each of them to be. I want to stop doubting the curriculum choices that I have already prayed over, look straight ahead, and proceed into a new school year with joy. I want to create and maintain an attitude of gratitude. I want to be faithful in the sphere God has placed me in and trust Christ for the outcome. They are His children anyway. I just get the privilege to be with them each day and point them to Him!
The law of the LORD is perfect,
reviving the soul.
The statutes of the LORD are trustworthy,
making wise the simple.
The precepts of the LORD are right,
giving joy to the heart.
The commands of the LORD are radiant,
giving light to the eyes.
Psalm 19:7-8
Lord, help me to keep my eyes focused on You.

I find great encouragement from your writings! On the brink of a new homeschool year, I really need these words. Thanks so much for your wonderful blog and curriculum helps!
Thanks for this message! I definitely struggle with comparison as a homeschool mom and had recently read the quote “Comparison is the death of contentment” and couldn’t agree more! Christ is my standard! :) Thanks for all of your resources on Hubbard’s Cupboard!!