In regards to music, I am a huge Chris Tomlin fan. So, it is no surprise how much I have been enjoying his newly released album, ‘And If Our God is For Us.’ As usual, he assists us in focusing our hearts and minds on Christ and in bringing praise and glory to our Lord through song. ‘Our God’, ‘ I Will Follow’, ‘I Lift My Hands’, ‘The Name of Jesus’, and ‘Faithful’ are favorites around our home right now. The older kids have even set up a ‘stage’ of sorts with microphones built from Tinker Toys. They have been dancing and singing along with some of the songs from the album for the past several days.
Below are just two of the songs that I found through YouTube. You can hear portions of each of the songs from the album and learn about the meaning behind a couple of the songs at
Faithful by Chris Tomlin
You are there in every season of my soul.
You are there. You’re the anchor that will hold.
You are there in the valley of the shadows.
You are faithful, God.
I will sing to the maker of Heaven and Earth.
God, You reign forever and Your love will endure.
Faithful and true is the name of the Lord.
You are faithful, God.
I Lift My Hands by Chris Tomlin
I lift my hands to believe again
You are my refuge. You are my strength.
As I pour out my heart these things I remember
You are faithful, God, forever
Today, I am thankful for…
5) music that praises Jesus
4) the funny sayings that come form our sweet toddler’s mouth
3) children and their laughter and smiles
2) a husband who loves the Lord and serves his family
1) my faithful Lord and Savior – Jesus Christ

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