When our oldest finally decided on a theme for her eighth birthday party, I wasn’t too surprised… just a little perplexed as to how to make it happen. She is very interested in sewing and in American history at the moment. So, when she requested a Colonial Sewing Party, I knew it would capture a part of who she is at this stage in her young life.
I searched online, asked for suggestions from friends, looked through colonial activity books, and sifted through sewing books for ideas. I then shared them with our daughter who helped to make the final decisions. Here is what we came up with to make a special Colonial Sewing day for her…
Beforehand, she sent out patchwork invitations.
The girls made a colonial type toy – a ‘bilboquet’.
She and her friends also made some colonial garb – mob caps and aprons. The ideas for these two projects came from Just Call Me Jamin. At her blog, she shares ideas that correspond with many of the American Girl dolls!
The day before the party, our daughter even made a mini sized mob cap and apron for her miniature Felicity doll.
She also helped to make these needle cases for each of her guests. The idea for the cases came from Sewing School.
The girls participated in two Colonial style games – ‘Hunt the Needle’ and ‘Hide the Thimble’. (Colonial girls would actually have played ‘Hunt the Ring’, but we were trying to keep with the sewing theme as well and so used a plastic needle instead of a ring.)
For fun, they also used whip stitches to sew together felt bears. The idea and pattern for the bear is from My First Sewing Book by Winky Cherry.
And of course, we had to have a sewing related cake. She wanted to celebrate with a patchwork cake.
It was a joy to be able to plan the party and then watch her delight in the afternoon with her friends!

hi all! love the theme and pictures of the party. cake looks goood too!
hope yu all had a great day/ and Happy Anniversary as well!
love trudi, marty and all
My oldest girl would enjoy these projects too. I wondered if you have a minute to talk about where you find time to do the sewing projects with so many littles. I also would like to work on these things but when we sew everybody wants to sew and everybody is a beginner here…just wondered in you had some wisdom or experience to share.
Alicia B
PS-still happy with the sewing book to get them started?
That is a good question! Our oldest would LOVE to sew everyday! However, it has been difficult to get in much sewing time. My goal was to sew with her and her 6 year old sister at least one afternoon a week while the younger two children were napping. This worked well until the last few weeks of my pregnancy when I became sooooo tired in the afternoons. If I could prep a few patterns, my 8 year old could work on the felt projects from the My First Sewing book in the afternoons somewhat independently at this point. I just have to sit down and do it! I am really trying to pray about our next school year and how to organize our day and what our priorities should be. I am wanting to include sewing fairly regularly (including me), but have to figure out how with a new baby =) I have a bin with sewing materials for use with the older girls. So everything is easily accessible for when we do sew. I also have a bin that I have been attempting to put together for our toddler and preschooler (since Christmas, yes, I know, it is taking me awhile!). So, all this to say that we are still learning and trying to figure it out, too =)
I love the Hubbards cupboard website. I love the hands on holistic learning it features. I use a lot of the printables in my own kinder classroom here in California. I would love to see any more printables you come up with these are all so lovely and the children enjoy them immensely. I am a single mom with a lively two (almost three) year old boy at home so the only time I get on my computer is at work during my prep time in the morning, but I recommend your site to anyone I know who is looking for great books to use to teach high frequency words. Keep up the good work. Jacinta (Isaiah 40:30-31)
Hello! Hope you are having a great summer so far, even though you all might still be in the midst of school….
I have a question about Sonlight and My Father’s World…. I know you have used Sonlight in the past. My question is, after using My Father’s World this year, which do you prefer? I am trying to make the decision for our curriculum for the upcoming school year for our kindergartener and second grader. We will be moving overseas soon, so I have to make the decision quickly and get everything ordered. This will be the first time for me to teach two school-aged children. Yikes!!
I would love to hear your opinion :)
Hi Amber!
I appreciate you commenting. Unfortunately, I don’t think I will be much help in your decision making! It is such a challenge each year as I try to plan and decide on curriculum for our own family. I think that both Sonlight and My Father’s World are solid, biblically based curriculums. I’m sure you wouldn’t go wrong with either choice.
So far, our family has used Sonlight Core K (with preK and 1st grader) and MFW Adventures in My Father’s World (k and 2nd grader). This coming year, we are leaning towards using MFW ECC (1st and 3rd) as the core. MFW Adventures and ECC recommend hands on activities and crafts to coordinate with the learning. Considering the ages of our kids, I felt that we were missing that in Sonlight Core K. It does take extra prep work for those activities (when we choose to do them), but I feel it is important for the hands on learning at this age. Adventures (and ECC) also have the kids make a yearlong notebook to place copywork, narrations, state sheets, etc. in to preserve their work. The girls enjoy going back through these and it jogs their memory of things they studied earlier this school year.
We have also used the Sonlight readers packages for 1st, 2 regular, and 2 intermediate. We plan to continue with these. I just really like most of their selections! We have also used the Sonlight Discover and Do DVD’s (K and 1). They coordinate well with MFW Adventures Science and the kids LOVE them.
This is just what we have done so far. It is always around this time of year that I have to remind myself to pray over all these decisions. No curriculum is going to be a perfect fit, but I know that God will lead us to what our family needs at the time.
Many blessings,
Thank you so much for your reply, Michelle! I value your feedback!
Just one question– you mentioned that MFW “recommends” hands-on activities. Are you referring to activities that are already laid out in the lesson plans? Or ones that you have to come up with on your own?
I see what you are saying about SL– the lack of projects, etc. I think they actually even mention that in their article, “Reasons Why Not to choose SL.” Interesting!
I am still narrowing down our choices for the new school year. Someone suggested that I take a look at the curriculum called Heart of Dakota, so now I am also considering it. It is actually a lot like MFW.
Have a wonderful Friday!!
The activities are already written in the lessons. Our family did not do all of them. Hence the reason I said that MFW ‘recommends’ them. Sorry for any confusion!
Thanks, Michelle!
Darling idea! I am the granmother of four girls and love to sew myself. Wondering if you taught at Rollingwood in OKC with me in late 80’s, early 90’s? This site sounds like it could be you!
WOW, I just stumbled onto your blog by googling the phrase “Colonial Sewing Party”, thinking it was a rather odd combination of words to google! My daughter is turning 8 next month, and has requested the exact same thing (loves Felicity, American history and crafts), and I am trying to figure out how to put it together. I might have to steal some of your ideas- thanks!