Start by Learning about the Phases of the Moon
1. View an Informative Video about Moon Phases
2. Watch and then Participate in a Moon Phase Demonstration
3. Review Moon Phases by sequencing the Phases of the Moon and matching the definitions. We used these free 3 Part Moon Phases Cards from ETC Montessori. (You may need to type ‘moon’ into the search field.)
4. Create an Edible Phases of the Moon Model
This was such a fun moon model idea shared by 4th Grade Frolics.
Turn your focus onto the Solar Eclipse
Create a paper and brass fastener Solar Eclipse Model
- There is a printable version available in the A Day With Two Dawns booklet from Apologia (Free, but sign up is required to download)
- Or use Solar Eclipse Interactive Model from Terri Izatt
- Or this paper model from Only Passionate Curiosity
Learn all about a solar eclipse through Free Videos!
- One that encompasses science, history, and the Bible is available through Experience Astronomy (It is only free for a short time and sign up is required in order to download, but it is excellent!)
- Another free video is Eclipses: Crash Course Astronomy #5 (The speaker talks really fast. So, I would recommend this one for slightly older kids.)
- Here is a shorter video, with a globe demonstration, from Exploratorium as well.
- Here is a short and simple video explanation from Mystery Science that is great for younger kids.
Watch and then conduct your own Solar Eclipse Demonstrations
Video Demonstration (from The Guardian)
Read Articles and Track the Eclipse
- Solar Eclipse Emergent Reader Prek-1st (Free from Kindergarten Smorgasbord)
- The Great American Solar Eclipse Journal Freebie 2nd-4th Grades (Free from The Teaching Spark)
- Solar Eclipse 2017 Activities and Viewer 6th-12th Grades ($2 from Sunshine State Science)
- NASA Eclipse Activity Guide
- Eclipse Simulator
Build a Pinhole Viewer and Discuss Eye Safety
- Simple Pinhole Camera (from NASA)
- Video Demonstration for building a Pinhole Projector (from NBC News)
- Build a Pinhole Projector (from CBS News)
- Use Your Approved Eclipse Glasses (and turn it into a mask for better protection) (from Classical Homemaking)
- Eye Safety Video (from Mystery Doug)
- Eclipse Safety 101 (from PBS)
Create Some Out of this World Art
Chalk Pastel Solar Eclipse (free tutorial from Hodgepodge)
Don’t forget to enjoy some fun Solar Eclipse Food
Think Sun Chips, Capri Suns, Moon Pies, crescent shaped sandwiches, moon and sun shapes cut from fruit or cheese, cupcakes with yellowish orange frosting and an Oreo on top, etc.
Remember to reflect upon the greatness of our Lord, the Creator God!
Memorize Psalm 19:1 or begin working on learning the entire Psalm! (We have a free Psalm 19 memorization booklet and copywork for kids as well as a memorization and meditation booklet for moms and older kids on our Bible Memorization page.)
The heavens declare the glory of God.
The skies proclaim the work of his hands.
May you enjoy this special event with your children (and stay safe)!
And, if you happen to miss it, there is another one coming across the United States on April 8, 2024!

I thank God for the wisdom and knowledge he has provided to help this website become a place others can learn and support his word.