As part of the Joyful Heart Character preschool curriculum at Hubbard’s Cupboard, 27 character traits are explored with children. This is done through singing a character trait song, memorizing a corresponding Bible verse, reading aloud related Scripture verses, studying a character or story from the Bible that models the trait, reading associated fictional stories, and completing a craft or activity linked to the character trait being studied.
The following character traits are emphasized in the Joyful Heart Character Curriculum…
Orderly, Attentive, Teachable, Obedient, Respectful, Honest, Forgiving, Peacemaker, Courageous, Discerning, Content, Servant Hearted, Thankful, Self Control, Loving, Humble, Prayerful, Modest, Joyful, Generous, Responsible, Compassionate, Kind, Patient, Diligent, Faithful, Full of Faith
We have had the Character Trait Tune Charts available since the creation of the curriculum…
but now you can also choose to print ones like this!
Joyful Heart Character: Character Trait Definition and Verse Charts
If you are looking for a single sided chart that contains just the character trait definition and the related Bible verse, the above charts are for you! The Character Trait Definition and Verse Charts focus on the same character traits as the song charts and use the same picture cues. (Although these were originally designed to be used with the Joyful Heart Character preschool curriculum, elementary aged children can benefit from these, too.)
As Christians, we desire to exhibit traits that reflect Christ. We can train and instruct our children in these traits, but without the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, they will be powerless. As we teach the character traits, we need to pray that God will help our children understand that they are sinful and in need of a Savior, that He would stir in our children a desire to live for the glory of God, that they would accept Jesus as their own Savior, and invite the working of the Holy Spirit. Children need God, not just good morals and character traits to follow! We can use Bible stories to point them to God. The stories in the Bible, the characters, the events – – ALL point to God. So, in addition to studying the character traits exhibited by the people of the Bible, we also need to make sure to take time to think about and discuss what the stories reveal about the character of our Lord. Children will learn that He is all knowing, all powerful, faithful, loving, gracious, attentive, eternal, and much more! It is a good reminder for us as well =)

I love them! THANK YOU for making this wonderful resource FREE!! Tomorrow we are starting Joyful Heart Spelling Skills and we are so excited :)